Interop Forms Toolkit
Creating and Working with InteropForms

This topic lists the tasks of involved in using the Interop Forms Toolkit to create .NET forms and make it accessible for use in a Visual Basic 6.0 application.  The tasks below walk through project setup and how to expose different form members to Visual Basic 6.0.  The tasks can be read sequentially, for those new to the Toolkit, or jumped to individually for quick reference. 



Configure a .NET InteropForm Project

Create a Form Property

Create a Form Method

Create an Initialize Method

Create a Form Event

Generate InteropForm Wrapper Classes

Configure the Visual Basic 6.0 Project

Instantiate an InteropForm

Call an InteropForm Initialize Method

Handle an InteropForm Event


Type Restrictions
One goal of this Interop Forms Toolkit is to keep development simple and straightforward, allowing developers to spend time developing features that add value instead of debugging Interop related issues.  In keeping with that goal, only a subset of Types will be supported as parameters or return types for Interop members.  They are:

 Integer (Int32)

A warning dialog will appear during the code generation process notifying the developer if a member will be skipped because it uses an unsupported type.


Note: Object is supported to allow you to pass any custom object through and cast as needed. An example of this could be to pass a Recordset from Visual Basic 6.0 to .NET.


InteropForm Behavioral Nuances

Since Visual Basic 6.0 Forms and .NET Forms are very different there are a few nuances to keep in mind while developing.


For more information on the working with the .NET InteropForm see The Development Experience.